With only one major gaming convention remaining before Q1 ’14, this weekend’s PAX Prime marks the end of 2013’s convention season. Penny Arcade’s Seattle-based Expo is the older brother to our frequented PAX East (based in Boston), though the team hasn’t officially been to Prime since 2010. The show now hosts in excess of 60,000 gamers annually – in addition to PAX East’s 70,000+. PAX Prime was also -- back in 2010 -- the first major convention that GN covered, so it's a sort of homecoming for us.
We’ll have full team coverage on-site at the Expo this weekend (Aug 30 – Sep 2) in addition to follow-up coverage for the ensuing week or two. In terms of content production, video interviews and written interviews will be conducted with the following companies (publication dates do not necessarily coincide with interview dates):
- Intel (including SSD overclocking)
- Cooler Master
- CI Games (Lords of the Fallen)
- Bethesda (TES:O)
- Bioware (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
- Legend of Dungeon
- Kingston Tech.
- WildStar
- Intel (again)
- Plantronics
- Astro Gaming
- Ubisoft
- Sixense VR
- Oculus Rift VR
- SteelSeries
- Bob Stewart / BSMODS case modding
- Logitech
- Origin PC / Corsair
- Beta Dwarf (FORCED)
If you’ve got any questions for these developers & HW manufacturers, be sure to post them below and we’ll pass them along! As usual, our PAX coverage can be found at this link. Be sure to follow us on twitter / facebook for on-site, live updates. The photo gallery from the show will be updated as connectivity allows and can be found here.
- Steve “Lelldorianx” Burke.