PAX East 2011 stub

Enforcer Dance Party at PAX East

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Hundreds of gamers anxiously awaited the Husky and Day[9] panel outside of the Cat Theatre on Saturday night at PAX East 2011. These heroes withstood the cramped and smelly conditions of the line to watch their favorite commentators in action -- and thankfully, we had some of the famed PAX line entertainment to keep us sane.

Maybe that's not the right word.

Empowered by a cluster of frenzied, dancing gamers and equipped with an epic boombox, a trio of PAX East 2011 enforcers embraced the title of 'crowd entertainers;' like a well-oiled machine, much robot-ing ensued.

Nothing screams "PAX" more than bombastic techno and sleep-deprived gamers performing in front of the masses -- we can't wait for the next PAX!

Check out the rest of our PAX East coverage here.