Roberts Space Industries has recently undergone major framework renovation that resulted in the creation of a more centralized hub for backers. You can find the new site here, complete with freshly uploaded preview content and profile options.
Existing users and backers will need to migrate their accounts over to the new site prior to use, where you'll select a back-end account ID, front-end username, and community-facing username. If your existing username is what you want to be front-facing, you can simply change the account ID once logged in. Pretty straight-forward.
As for the site's new content, a quick round-up sees that the current crowd-sourced funding initiative rests just below $13mm, not including private investments, and nearly 205,000 players have registered for the game's alpha/beta phases. If you haven't backed yet, the game currently has a promotion in place until July 6th (that'd be Saturday), and can be found here. The running "LTI" promotion offers lifetime insurance on your ships (in the event you get exploded), making your life a bit easier once the game kicks off. If you're concerned about pre-release perks (which is effectively what this is) or pay-to-win mentality, you can view the discussion panel Chris Roberts took part in at PAX East, where he addresses those concerns.
(Below: An in-game advertisement for Origin Jumpworks, the in-game corporation behind the 300i ship).
Several ship renders have been posted to the RSI hub, including the Idris Corvette and Origin Jumpworks 300i, both found in this article. The revamped site offers ultra hi-res downloads (8000x4000px) for those looking for new wallpapers... or multi-monitor wallpapers.
We've got some new Star Citizen content lined up for the latter half of July, so stay tuned for more feature articles/videos!
- Steve "Lelldorianx" Burke.