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Complete List of All Skyrim Quests

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While browsing Skyrim Nexus for more awesome mods -- a time-consuming habit of mine, to be sure; I swear, it's not an addiction -- I saw the below "Ultimate Skyrim Quests Overview and Checklist" pop-up.

It's incredible.



Made by dexmachina of Skyrim Nexus, the list details all of Skyrim's quests and is categorized by Hold, quest type, and importance of the quest; it " Includes all Main Quests, Faction Quests, Daedric Quests, Divine Quests, Dungeon Quests, Side Quests, each single Miscellaneous Quest sorted by Hold and City, all global Collection Quests and an overview of non-unique objectives and activities," to quote the creator.

You can download the ultra-large printable PDF version (A3, 4 pages), the super high-res JPG image (5732x2500px), or other versions here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=17893

Clicking on the above image will also take you to a high-res version of the quest image.

Enjoy! Don't get too sucked into the quests, you might get burned out.

-Steve "Lelldorianx" Burke.