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Newegg Allegedly Purchased for $2.63 Billion by Hangzhao Liaison Interactive

Posted on October 19, 2016

Retail powerhouse Newegg is allegedly now majority-owned by Hangzhao Liaison Interactive Information Technology Co., Ltd, heretofore known as Over-compensator, Inc. UDN reports that the company with the big name now holds nearly 56% of Newegg through a $2.63B USD investment. This would allow China-based Liaison Interactive to claim hardware/software retail domination of US and Chinese markets. Granted, Google Translate does say that Newegg is the second-largest “US egg supplier in China,” so we can't interpret much beyond the alleged major investment made by Liaison.

So far, this rumor does look to be backed by truth, because Liaison Interactive made major investments into Newegg (confirmed directly by the US-based company) in September. Newegg said that the cash infusion would “accelerate” its “strategic initiatives” for VR and eSports. We are not yet sure what those initiatives are.

Theoretically, Newegg would serve as a US-based arm to grow Liaison's existing China-based retail and supply operations. We are not yet clear on what further use Liaison may have for Newegg, but we'll update if anything official comes out.

- Patrick “Mocalcium” Stone.