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AMD Drops Prices on RX 470, RX 460 in Face of GTX 1050 Launch

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AMD sent us an email today that indicated a price reduction for the new-ish RX 460 2GB card and RX 470 4GB card, which we've reviewed here (RX 460) and here (RX 470). The company's price reduction comes in the face of the GTX 1050 and GTX 1050 Ti release, scheduled for October 25 for the 1050 Ti, and 2-3 weeks later for the GTX 1050. Our reviews will be live next week.

AMD's price reduction drops the RX 460 2GB to a $100 MSRP (from ~$110), with the RX 470 dropped down to ~$170 MSRP (from $180). Now, that said, we have not been able to find an RX 470 available for less than $200 for the last few weeks. Launch day had a PowerColor RX 470 available at $180 – a good deal, and a price at which we recommended the then-uncontested card – but all the units seem to be $200 now. At that price, the RX 480 4GB makes more sense – also $200 MSRP, though generally $210-$220.

Regardless, if the RX 470 actually reaches a $170 price-point, with the cards we've currently publicly tested, it's a good buy. We'll see how that holds vs. the GTX 1050 Ti in a few days. And to be fair to AMD, nVidia hasn't had such a strong case for prices this generation, either. It took months for the 1070 and 1080 units to reach prices closer to MSRP, and the dual-MSRP confusion at launch (with the Founders Edition) didn't win any favors from consumers.

The good news is that the market is responding as it should: AMD is adjusting its prices to compete with nVidia's new products, and that's a good thing for consumers. Let's just hope those prices stick. The new prices are expected to be in effect on 10/23.

Read our reviews for more info (460 review, 470 review). If you're planning to buy one, help us out by clicking this link to Newegg or Amazon RX 470 listings.

- Steve "Lelldorianx" Burke.