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Remove Star Wars Battlefront 200FPS Cap with Console Commands

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During GPU and CPU benchmarking for Battlefront, we encountered a 200FPS framerate cap / lock when using high-end configurations. For accurate benchmarking, this FPS limit had to be removed to allow the “natural” or absolute performance of the hardware on-bench. Thankfully, being that Battlefront runs on a familiar Frostbyte engine to previous Battlefield titles, the console commands are all nearly identical to Battlefield 4.

Here's the command you want to unlock FPS and disable the FPS limit in Star Wars Battlefront:

gametime.maxvariablefps 0

This removes the cap completely (0 = off), but setting the number to something higher will create a defined cap – gametime.maxvariablefps 120, then, would cap you at 120FPS. This is a workaround to using V-Sync as an FPS/frequency lock.

Let us know if you have any other console command tips below!

- Steve “Lelldorianx” Burke.